Resident evil revelations 2 available now let you aim and wield your weapons with greater accuracy on the nintendo switch read more to view or download this content at this time. Nintendo switch resident evil revelations 2 download code. For nintendo switch on the nintendo switch, a gamefaqs message board topic titled "my download code for resident evil revelations 2 not working?".
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Switch cheats database
Resident evil revelations 2 system: nintendo switch release date: 28/11/2017 the beginning of the resident evil revelations 2 tale sees fan-favourite claire redfield make a dramatic return. The original resident evil revelations was a great 3ds game at the time, and it remains a surprisingly solid, refreshingly breezy experience here on switch. revelations 2 is where it's really at. Survival horror makes it way to nintendo switch with this 2 game collection featuring resident evil revelations and a downloadable voucher for resident evil revelations 2.
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