Minggu, 11 April 2021

Esea Pug Mod Rules

Welcome to esea create an account or sign in to your existing account at the top of the page subscribe to premium compete against the best players in a cheat-free environment and win prizes fill out your profile tell the community a little bit about yourself introduce yourself in the forums our forums are a source of non-stop 24 hour discussion and are always a good place for tips or for a laugh. Esea pug mod rules. Welcome to esea create an account or sign in to your existing account at the top of the page subscribe to premium compete against the best players in a cheat-free environment and win prizes fill out your profile tell the community a little bit about yourself introduce yourself in the forums our forums are a source of non-stop 24 hour discussion and are always a good place for tips or for a laugh.

esea pug mod rules

Note* this is a kick-able offense under the pug mod rules now, i'm being punished for following their set of rules; which i feel is unjustly either they need to have more in-depth rules in place, or they need to re-create the system to create a better environment for pugging.

more info for esea pug mod rules

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