The official line regarding controller support is likely to disappoint a lot of pubg mobile fans however, all may not be as it seems, so let’s take a look at ios and android options, or lack thereof android controller support: officially speaking, pubg mobile for android does not support bluetooth-based controllers for in-game play this. Pubg controller support ios. Pubg mobile controller tutorial setup for apple iphone ios 11 first day with the controller, not so good but after few weeks you will play like a pro ebay link for controller: in uk and europe.
pubg controller support ios
Best pubg gamepad controller for iphone and android
40 ios, ipados & tvos games with controller support - duration: 22:12 mrmacright 168,600 views pubg mobile controller iphone ios tutorial for apple june 2018 update - duration: 4:21. An exhaustive list of games with game controller support for iphone, ipad and apple tv. search through all games compatible with mfi controllers on ios. hello, ios13!. I drifted away from ios gaming but have gotten back into it recently and i'm astounded at the difference now. before, the free games were quality, popular games with minimal or no ads. now, they're almost entirely filled with these very cheaply made crappy simple games that have more ads than gameplay..
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