This page was last edited on 21 september 2018, at 02:19 content is available under cc by-nc-sa 30 unless otherwise noted game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Pubg item color. In order to enhance loot in spots outside of major landmarks, some small house sets have been added with improved item spawns supplemented item spawn spots in certain buildings in dinoland that had below average loot skin & items naval officer attire set (8 items) (6/3 ~ 7/1) 3 new streamer’s item (5/20 ~ 8/19) godv’s mini14; tuantuan.
pubg item color
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The item esp feature supports all items in the game : pubg mobile items and many other features you can discover, such as sonic bullets that will make your weapons much more accurate and fast, the warning mode that will display a warning when an enemy player is aiming at you. Best items in pubg mobile,best pubg tips *| click show more |* ♥ rate comment subscribe :d i hope you guys enjoyed and i hope you all have a good day! help me buy a new gaming pc(my current one. -on test server they did add color blind mode, which is fantastic, except the only thing it changed was the text color of your teammates name, and the color of the moving ring... and having white lines on miramars map is ridiculous, giving its light landscape coloring...
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